Nick Gehring

Nick Gehring


2005 Washington Grade School Spelling Bee runner-up

2003 Washington Grade School Gold Medal winner for shot put

3 time Arthur’s Pizza challenger pizza winner


CrossFit Level 1 Certification

About Coach

I grew up in a small town playing every sport they offered. I played basketball since I could walk and football since I grew 6 inches in 4th grade. I also did track, baseball, weightlifting, and even swimming. Sports have taught me a lot of valuable lessons in life and always kept me out of trouble. After high school, I fell into the habits of an unhealthy lifestyle and it wasn’t until my 3rd year in college that I realized I needed to change. I started doing CrossFit-style workouts at a gym owned by the hospital for cardiac rehab with nothing but some dumbbells and a bench during the week and on weekends I worked out in an old garage with a propane heater with a rusty old kettlebell and a barbell. Then one day I stepped into a CrossFit gym and never looked back. When I came down to Wichita I was told by the owners of my old gym that there is no place more fitting for me than compelled. They were right. I feel at home when I’m at compelled and always accepted and I’m glad that I can call myself a coach.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

When I was in middle school I used to work out and would do whatever was necessary to make a lift. Usually “whatever was necessary” was destroying my back. Then when I got into high school I got a great coach to teach me the proper way to lift. After I found out that you can actually exercise and lift without hurting your back I became obsessed with always having good form. I coach to help people work on form and a good range of motion so that when they go home and pick up their kids or throw away their trash they don’t have to worry about aches and pains from strained muscles or injured backs. I also love the fact that I get to be in a place full of people that all want to better themselves mentally and physically and I get to help them do it!

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