Allen Wasinger

Allen Wasinger

Owner * Head Coach * Director of Training


CrossFit Level 1

CrossFit Level 2

CrossFit Weightlifting Certification

USAW Sports Performance Certification

About Coach

I grew up in the small town of Victoria, KS. I am very fortunate and proud of my small-town upbringing. One of the best qualities I gained from going up, was I didn't know a stranger. To this day, I am very comfortable striking up a conversation with anyone. Growing up I was always active. As a kid, I would spend pretty much all day outside. I started playing football in 5th grade. During Middle School, I continued to play football, along with basketball and track. During my Freshman through Junior year, I didn't play any sports as I worked to get things I wanted. In my Senior year, I decided to play football and track, even making it to State as a High Jumper. After High School I attended Fort Hays State University, earning a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. Right after College, I moved to Larned, KS, and worked at the Larned State Mental Health Correctional Facility as a Correctional Officer. I very much enjoyed my close to 4 years working there in an environment that by nature was not positive. I moved to Wichita around 2009 and continued my degree at Sedwick County Juvenile Field Services working as a Probation Officer. It was then that I met Becky and Ryan Phelps. Little did I know my life would eventually change forever. Becky's parents at the time, owned and ran the Flying Moose Antique Mall in Wichita. Ryan, Becky, and I convinced them to allow us to clear out a space in the back of CrossFit. For about a year we would go in and after work. Friends of ours would soon join, little did us three know a seed had been planted. Our friends eventually asked us to make it a business. I for one knew nothing about business and was comfortable at my job. Long story short, we decided to give it a shot. Compelled was born in December of 2013, roughly two months after opening I quit my job and went all in. To this day it has been one of my most proud accomplishments.

Turning Point

I will get to the "Turning Point" soon but need to back up a little. The first time I officially worked out was the summer of my soon-to-be Freshman year in High School. I will never forget it. The head football coach put me through a workout and after I went outside and puked! It was the first and only time that had happened. For some strange reason, I was hooked. My personality is one that needs to be challenged or I can become lazy. Working out gave me that outlet to explore what I was capable of knowing that the challenges I needed were always there. I can only remember brief moments (a couple of days or maybe a couple of weeks) that I didn't work out. No matter where I was living, I made it a priority to find a gym and go just about every day. In roughly October of 2010, Ryan asked me if I ever heard about CrossFit. I told him I had not and we bought some equipment together and decided to give it a try. I do not recall the actual first workout we did but I was hooked!! I was exposed to a whole new world of fitness, the challenge had been reignited. I never considered myself a great athlete growing up or even along my fitness journey, but I always had the "stay in the fight" attitude. I was never scared to push my body to the extreme and CrossFit allowed me to do that if I was willing. I was hooked and still to this day am challenged with it. CrossFit gave me my passion for athletics back. I could now measure everything I did and use that to push myself to get better. The athlete in me was alive again and I can't imagine myself doing anything else.

Motivation & Passion

When we first opened Compelled, I had zero experience with coaching anyone. To be completely honest, I was scared. As stated earlier I have never had a problem talking to anyone but now people were paying me for my experience and knowledge. Looking back on the first couple of years I didn't allow myself to be me and my coaching suffered. I spent way too much time trying to convince people I knew everything and there was only one way of doing CrossFit. As the business grew over the years, I knew I had to change my mindset if I wanted to succeed. I reminded myself why I fell in love with fitness and used that as part of my coaching. You see fitness isn't a special program, a weight lifted on a bar or your time on a mile. For me, it's "just moving." I broke down those stereotypes with every member I came across. CrossFit has always had a reputation of being intimidating or only for "fit people." Truthfully, I was getting tired of this stereotype and knew I had the power to change that. Hence the phrase I came up with "It's Your Fitness." The phrase is really quite simple, whatever you are able to do, do it! If that means walking down the street or hitting a 30-minute-high intensity workout, it is all the same because once again "just move." Getting people to understand that, breaks down their fears of society's image of what fit people should look like or need to do. Fit people are those that are able to live their lives outside of the gym for the better. My passion for coaching grew. I firmly believe there is no one I cannot help. I tell our members "What we do in the gym is way more than physical, it's all mental. The belief is that you can do anything regardless of shape, age, or body limitations. Conquer your fears inside of the gym has a profound carry-over outside of it. At Compelled we have created an environment that is for everyone with everyone wanting all to succeed. The power of like-minded people is contagious. After one day at Compelled, you will understand what I mean. You will leave with the accomplishment of a workout but more importantly leave knowing that you are not alone in your fears. Life is too short to be scared, we are all strong, at Compelled we will show you how to use it.

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